Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin

Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin. Do you long for a naturally gorgeous complexion? Do you wish that you had absolutely beautiful, glowing skin? Follow along after the jump to learn how to nurture and protect your skin so that it looks amazing as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Building a Routine

Apply toner
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
A toner removes excess oil and dirt from your skin that the soap missed, in addition to closing your pores. Not everyone needs to use a toner, but some people find it helpful.
  • Consider applying toner to only the areas of your skin that tend to break out. For instance, you might only use it on your nose or forehead.
  • Only use astringent if your skin is exceptionally oily. Astringent is a stronger type of toner that can be up to 60% alcohol. If your skin tends to be dry, using astringent could actually cause acne by driving your oil glands to overcompensate.
  • Put a few drops onto a cotton ball or pad. Swipe it lightly over your skin.
  • Witch hazel is a natural alternative to buying synthetic toner/astringent.
Exfoliate once a week
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
If your skin tends to be dry and flaky, a weekly exfoliation can clear out dead skin cells. Find an exfoliant that has a super fine grain, and don't rub it roughly into your skin — use light pressure and gentle motions.
  • A simple scrub of sugar mixed with honey makes a great exfoliator. Rinse it off with warm water.
  • You could also exfoliate with a dry brush made for the face. Brush your face using small, circular motions.
Protect your skin from the sun
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Avoid leathery, tough skin by applying a light sunscreen every time you plan to be outside. The lack of sun damage will keep your skin dewy and supple for years to come. Remember, it only takes 15 minutes to get a sunburn, so be prepared. Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin.
  • Search the makeup aisle for spray-on sunscreens that are light and dry.
  • Stick to SPF 30 anything higher doesn't have much more benefit.
  • Use a foundation or tinted moisturizer with sunscreen, so your face is already covered.
Smooth on some moisturizer
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Using lotion in the morning acts as a primer for your makeup, helping it "stick" to your face throughout the day. Moisturizing at night helps your skin repair itself and stave off wrinkles. Bottom line, it's one of the best things you can do for glowing skin over the long term.
  • Consider using a lighter moisturizer during the day. If you're prone to breakouts, save the heavy cream moisturizer for nighttime and use a light or gel moisturizer during the day.
  • Don't forget your neck and décolletage. These areas can get super dry and irritated if you never moisturize them.
Wash your face at night.
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Over the course of the day, makeup, dirt, and oil build up on your face. Make cleansing your skin part of your bedtime routine.

  • Avoid the eye area; the skin around the eye can be too delicate for most cleansers.
  • Pat dry. Don't roughly rub your skin dry with a towel. Instead, dry it with small, gentle pats or let it air dry.
  • Rinse off by splashing water on your face. Using a washcloth or rag to roughly wipe your skin clean can irritate it more. Instead, bend your face over the sink, cup your hands together, and bring up small amounts of water to splash over your face. About 10 splashes should do it.
  • Use a gentle soap. Remember that you want to clean your skin, not completely strip it of all oils if it feels tight and dry after washing, you're using something too strong.
  • Use makeup remover. Not only does this prevent it from clogging up your pores and causing breakouts while you sleep, it also stops you from smearing bacteria on your pillow where it can get into your skin night after night.
Dealing With Acne

Consider a salicylic acid face wash
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Some anti-acne face cleansers contain salicylic acid, which kills the bacteria that can cause acne. Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin.
  • To prevent drying out your face, start using a salicylic acid wash only in the mornings and see if that's sufficient. If you still need more help, use it at night as well.
Do not pick or pop pimples
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Doing so can make the infection worse and lead to permanent scarring.

Prevent acne before it starts
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Here are some small daily-life hacks you can use to prevent pimples before they happen:
  • Change out your pillowcase every four or five days. A fresh, bacteria-free pillowcase can stop your skin from erupting overnight.
  • Change your birth control (females). Some oral contraceptives containing estrogen can calm down regular breakouts. Ask your doctor if this is the right choice for you.
  • Get your beauty rest. Stress can lead to breakouts, so make sure you're well-rested and calm.
  • Keep your hands off your face. If you tend to rest your chin in your palm, or you're constantly fussing with your face, stop. The oils on your hands can cause breakouts, even in small amounts.
  • Tie your hair back while you sleep. If you have long hair, keep it off your face while you rest. Braid it back, and use pins or a headband to keep bangs off your forehead.
See a dermatologist
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
If you can't get the problem under control by yourself, visit a doctor. He or she can prescribe serious treatments such as Accutane, Retin-A or red-blue light treatments. Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin.

Use spot treatments
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
There are several products that you can dab onto active zits to reduce redness and kill bacteria. Two of the most popular are salicylic acid gel and benzoyl peroxide cream.
  • Be aware that benzoyl peroxide can bleach hair and clothing.
  • For extra help, try using both formulations.
Eating Healthy and Exercising

Drink up
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Aim to get 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. The water will clear your skin and make it glow because it makes it easier for your body to flush out toxins quickly.
  • Carry a water bottle with you all day to make sure you always have water on hand.
  • Drink herbal tea or other non-caffeinated beverages to hydrate when you're tired of water.
Eat a healthy diet
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Healthy proteins and nutritious fruits and vegetables go a long way toward making skin glow. Add these elements to your diet to see quick results:
  • Omega 3 fatty acids. These are found in fish and walnuts, and are especially beneficial to your skin.
  • Vitamin C. This will help existing pimples heal faster, so eating a few servings of citrus fruits and spinach will help.
  • Fiber-rich foods. Fresh vegetables, nuts, and unprocessed fruit helps keep a fine balance and to be regular, not sluggish, in the gastrointestinal area. You may look and feel tired and sickly (headache and abdominal complaints), if you do not have regularity of elimination/movements once or more every day.
Eat less sugar and salt
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Try to consume less than 45g of sugar on a daily basis, and cut down on salty foods. Eating too much salt can make your face look bloated. Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin.

Take vitamins
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
If you're worried you aren't getting enough of necessary vitamins and minerals, try taking a multivitamin. Vitamins intended for pregnant women are especially beneficial to the skin.

Work out
Health Tips for Women - Tips for Glowing Skin
Cardio makes your skin glow because it stimulates blood flow. It's also healthy for your body and will make you stronger. You'll see results immediately and long term, too.

Also some of our related post Health Tips for Women


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