Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods. Fear not; eating healthy does not have to be complicated. With the help of several nutrition experts, has taken the guesswork out of creating the perfectly healthy diet for you and your family. With the right kinds of foods, you can stave off heart disease, stay slim and boost your immune system. So what follows is a list of the healthiest foods you should be eating now. Start stocking your fridge and pantry!

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Like other tree nuts, almonds are a rich source of protein. They’re also high in calcium and monounsaturated fat (the heart-healthy kind found in olive oil). A daily handful could help lower your bad LDL cholesterol and risk of heart disease.
If you’re eating almonds plain, go for the dry-roasted, unsalted variety. Buy sliced almonds and sprinkle them on salads or into baked goods. They also make scrumptious nut butters. For people who avoid dairy, almond milk is a tasty alternative.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Apples are high in fiber, specifically a soluble fiber called pectin, which targets and clears away LDL,  the bad cholesterol. Many of apples’ beneficial compounds are contained in the skin, including high levels of phytochemicals, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They’re the perfect diet food too, They’re very portable, and personal favorite, Fuji applies, are sweet enough to satisfy a sweet tooth.
Eat them raw, baked in muffins, dried or in applesauce

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Bananas are high in potassium, which aids blood pressure and is critical for the proper function of the muscular and digestive systems. They’re also high in fiber, which means they’ll keep you fuller for longer.
Bananas are a great to-go food. Add a dollop of peanut butter for a sweet and savory snack. Sliced bananas are a great breakfast staple for cereals, yogurts and smoothies.

Black Beans
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Legumes are cheap and easy to cook, which makes them a staple in many people’s diets. They’re also high in protein, making them a popular meat substitute among vegetarians, and they’re packed with fiber, so they help you stay full and energized. Black beans even have a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which boost heart health. Black beans are high in the powerful phytochemical anthocyanins the same ones found in blueberries. Studies indicate the darker the bean, the higher it may be in antioxidants.
Black beans are great in Southwestern-inspired dishes like burritos and black-bean burgers. Add them to your salad for an extra protein kick.

Blue Berries
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Berries’ vibrant, deep colors mean they’re high in antioxidant compounds. Blueberries are especially high in heart-protective carotenoids and flavonoids, and they encourage heart, memory and urinary-tract health. They also contain high levels of vitamins C and E.
Add berries to your cereal or yogurt or blend them into smoothies.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family of vegetables, often referred to as cruciferous, which is associated with anticancer benefits as well as reduced inflammation and higher immunity. Broccoli is also high in fiber, and a high-fiber diet can help keep blood pressure down and reduce heart-disease risk.
You could steam it or add it to your stir-fries, salads or omelets.

Brussels Sprouts
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
As a cruciferous veggie, this pungent vegetable contains sulfur compounds called glucosinolates that not only give them their aroma but also help lower the risks of prostate, lung, stomach and breast cancers. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods.
Get it roasted and sautéed brussels sprouts make great side dishes. They’re hearty and great for fall recipes.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Bulgur is one of several lesser-known whole grains that pack a wealth of fiber and B vitamins. The low-glycemic-index food, which is good for your insulin levels and blood glucose, is a Middle Eastern favorite made from wheat kernels that have been boiled, dried and cracked; it’s sometimes referred to as cracked wheat. Other less familiar yet tasty whole grains include millet, buckwheat, farro, barley and amaranth.
Bulgur is great in breads, salads and side dishes. It’s the main ingredient in the Middle Eastern salad tabbouleh.

Chia Seeds
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Like flaxseeds, chia seeds are a good source of the plant omega-3 fatty acid ALA and protect against inflammation, arthritis and heart disease. Unlike flax, chia seeds don’t need to be ground or refrigerated.
Sprinkle seeds into cereals, oatmeal, salads, breads and smoothies.

Dark Chocolate
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
If you want to treat yourself, dark chocolate is the way to go. It’s better than milk chocolate because of its high concentration of cocoa, which is packed with disease-fighting antioxidant plant chemicals called flavonol; milk chocolate contains only modest amounts. Those antioxidants can help reduce the risk of blood clots and lower blood pressure and inflammation as well as improve insulin resistance. A recent study even found that those who indulged in a little bit of chocolate five times a week were slimmer than those who didn’t.
Keep a dark-chocolate bar around and have a little piece when you crave a treat.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
It may be an unglamorous food, but eggplant is packed with fiber and contains the whole gamut of B vitamins, which give you all the energy you need. Its deep purple color is evidence that it has powerful antioxidants to protect brain cells and control lipid levels.
Eggplant is a very versatile vegetable. It can be baked or roasted for an entrée or mixed into a dip or side dish.

Extra-Virgin Olive Oils
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Olive oil is a staple in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. It’s high in monounsaturated fats that can help lower cholesterol. Health experts recommend cutting the amount of saturated fats in your diet and incorporating more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in order to decrease your risk of heart disease.
Extra-virgin olive oils are a better option than other olive oils, since they’re less refined. Extra-virgin olive oil contains antioxidant compounds as well as vitamin E and oleocanthal, which can reduce inflammation.
A little olive oil goes a long way, so just use a small amount in cooking or for roasting vegetables.

Fat-Free Greek Yogurt
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Greek yogurt counts toward your daily dairy intake, and it packs plenty of protein to keep you full for longer.
Add walnuts and banana for a supernutritious breakfast

Fat-Free Milk
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Dairy products are a primary source of calcium for everyone, and they also contain vitamin D, both of which contribute to bone health. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods. Eating low-fat or nonfat dairy has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes and with lower blood pressure in adults. And chocolate milk is a great way to replenish after a workout.
Drink a glass by itself or add it to oatmeal or cereal.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Seeds are good sources of plant protein; flaxseeds are also high in the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid called ALA and are very heart-healthy. Just be sure to grind them up before eating.
Sprinkle ground seeds into cereals, oatmeal, salads, breads and smoothies. Flaxseeds can also be an excellent source of healthy fat in your baked goods.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Kale is a member of the cancer-fighting cruciferous family of vegetables and is full of fiber and antioxidants. It’s also rich in vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting and cell growth. Its textured leaves make it a tasty addition to any salad.
Bake your kale with a little extra-virgin olive oil and sea salt for a tasty potato-chip alternative. Kale is also a delicious addition to a vegetable-based soup.

Kidney Beans
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Loaded with potassium and magnesium, kidney beans help keep blood pressure in check, while their high fiber content helps reduce bad LDL cholesterol, fighting off heart disease. Kidney beans are also rich in iron and protein, making them a great meat substitute for vegetarians. Named for their resemblance to the shape of our organs, the red color of this type of bean is indicative of their high concentration of disease-fighting antioxidants.
Kidney beans are perfect for Southwestern dishes like chili, as well as salads, sandwiches and dips.

Lean Meats
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Meat is high in protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, zinc and magnesium. But it’s important to differentiate between lean meats and those high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts and turkey cutlets are your leanest poultry choices; as for beef, round steaks and roasts, top loin, top sirloin, chuck shoulder and arm roasts are the leanest cuts. If you’re craving a burger, make your patties with the leanest ground beef available, labeled at least “90% lean.” For lunch meats, check labels to make sure they’re low in fat and sodium.
To keep meats healthy during preparation, trim away all visible fat before cooking and drain any fat that emerges during cooking. Skip the breading and frying; opt for broiling, grilling or roasting instead.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Even if you’re not a bean fan, give lentils a try. They’re easy to make, require no soaking and appear in a slew of colors. They also don’t have sulfur, the gas-producing component in other legumes. Lentils may be small, but they’re full of iron, fiber and protein.
Lentils are geat in soups, in veggie burgers or as salad toppings

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Oatmeal is high in the fiber beta-glucan, which lowers levels of bad LDL cholesterol. Nutritionists recommend steel-cut oats because they’re minimally processed, without additives. Oatmeal is the best way to start your day, It’s a whole grain and a great heart-healthy food. It has antioxidants that are unique to oats too. Oatmeal’s an ideal postworkout food as well, since it contains energy-producing B vitamins and carbohydrates that replenish your muscles.
You can cook oatmeal with milk or water. Add cinnamon and walnuts for extra flavor, nutrients and crunch.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Pumpkin is a low-calorie vegetable that’s high in fiber and vitamin A. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods. Its orange color is a dead giveaway of its high amount of beta carotene, which helps prevent heart disease. It’s also so versatile for cooking.
There’s no need to cook your jack-o-lantern; canned pumpkin is an easy and accessible grocery-store staple.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Not only is quinoa considered a whole grain; it’s also a complete protein, containing all the amino acids necessary for building muscle and upping metabolism.
Try quinoa anytime you’d ordinarily eat rice; it’s also a good ingredient for veggie burgers.

Red Beets
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Beets are a go-to source for folate, which helps metabolize amino acids and is important for pregnant women. Also, their red pigments fight cancer and lower the risk of heart disease.
Roasted beets are a great side dish. Add a dash of goat cheese for an even richer taste.

Red Wine
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
If you can drink responsibly and moderately up to two glasses a day for men, one for women red wine is another good-for-you treat. A compound in red wine called resveratrol has been linked to longevity and lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. Wines made from grapes grown in cooler regions, like pinot noir from Oregon, contain the highest concentration of resveratrol.
Is there a wrong way to drink red wine?

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Salmon, especially wild salmon, is rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which will protect your heart. Research has found that omega-3s may also be associated with protecting against premature brain aging and memory loss.
Grill your salmon with lemon, garlic and a little soy sauce. If you have leftovers, refrigerate to put on top of a salad later.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Spinach is chock-full of nutrients, including iron, calcium and vitamin A, which keeps the eyes and skin healthy. Spinach also packs folate, which helps the body form healthy red blood cells and prevents birth defects during pregnancy.
Combine it in your salads, sandwiches and omelets

Sweet Potatoes
 Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Not only are they tasty, but sweet potatoes also pack high levels of potassium that help lower your blood pressure and reduce stroke risk. If you eat the skin, you get a filling dose of fiber too.
Bake, mash or boil them or add them to soups or casseroles.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
Tuna is high in protein, vitamin B, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods. Pregnant women and small children should limit their intake of it, however, because tuna is also high in the neurotoxin methylmercury. For everyone else, tuna including canned is a good sandwich and salad staple.
A tuna sandwich is an easy on-the-go lunch. You can also top whole-grain crackers with tuna for a delicious snack.

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
This familiar fruit has a long list of nutrients, including vitamins A, C and K. Its deep red color comes courtesy of the antioxidant lycopene, which helps lower inflammation and cholesterol and is linked to better heart health.
You know the drill; tomatoes can be chopped up and added to just about anything. They also make a great base ingredient for several fall soup recipes.

Nuts tend to be high in calories and fat, but the monosaturated fat in nuts is healthier than the saturated fat in meat and dairy products. And their high omega-3-fatty-acid levels make them a go-to for heart health. A recent study also found that walnuts carry some of the highest antioxidant content among all nuts.
Add walnuts to cereals, yogurt or breads. Remember, just a few pack plenty of calories.

Whole-Wheat Bread
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Foods
The government’s dietary guidelines recommend that at least half the grains you eat be whole. This means intact grains that contain the entire grain kernel: the bran, germ and endosperm. Refined grains (which are used in white bread and white rice), in contrast, are milled, meaning the bran and germ have been removed to give the grains a soft, finer texture; this process also strips the grains of dietary fiber, iron and several B vitamins.
The reason you want whole grains in your diet: their high dietary fiber and nutrients are linked to lower risks of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes and obesity; plus, they help lower cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. Switching from white to whole-wheat bread is one good way to up your whole-grain intake.
Beware of breads that are marketed as “multigrain,” “made with whole grains” or “enriched.” While these products may contain some whole grains, they’re likely to contain refined grains too. Stick to products labeled as “100% whole grain.”
Simply swap white bread for whole wheat on all your sandwiches.

Please read our previous post Health Tips for Today - Healthy Breakfast Foods
some of our related post Health Tips for Today


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