Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan

Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
The healthy eating plan for adults on the Better Health Channel is a guide to how you can plan your meals to follow Australia’s healthy eating guidelines. It’s not a weight loss diet, but just a straightforward healthy eating guide! It provides ideas on a wide variety of fresh summer foods packed with goodness to help you maintain a healthy mind and body.

Remember that eating is a pleasurable activity and should stay that way! Enjoying a meal with your family and friends or participating in community or cultural celebrations is good for our health and wellbeing.

Who is the plan for?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
The plan is designed for healthy adult men and women. If you have a medical condition, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, speak to your doctor or an accredited practising dietitian to make sure the plan meets your individual needs. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan.

Can my family eat the foods in the plan?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
Yes. The food and recipes included in the plan are everyday healthy foods that your family and friends will also enjoy. Research has shown that support from your family and friends are a big help when you are trying to make lifestyle changes. A whole family approach to a healthy lifestyle also provides a positive environment to help children develop the skills they need to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Different people in the family will have different appetites and needs depending on their age and activity level. So, serve sizes may need to be adjusted accordingly.

How much should I eat?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
The best answer to that question is to use your physical hunger as a guide. If you are physically active and following a healthy eating plan you will probably need to eat more than someone who is not very physically active. Plant-based foods make up a large proportion of the healthy eating plan and these foods are usually lower in fat and high in fibre, which helps fill you up. It’s much easier to over-eat kilojoules when you eat foods high in fat and sugar (for example, cakes, biscuits, crisps and soft drinks). Many people have forgotten what it feels like to be physically hungry because they eat for other reasons such as emotions or habit. Spend a moment recalling the last time you were really hungry. How did it feel? What sensations will be your cue to eat? Ask yourself am I eating out of real hunger (for example you could mentally rate your hunger on a scale of 1-10), or am I eating because I am bored, lonely, upset, or stressed? Getting in tune with your body’s true hunger signals will help you know when to eat and when to stop eating. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan

Do I need to eat snacks?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
Snacks can be an important part of a healthy eating plan. Hunger is your best guide about how many snacks you need. Choose snacks low in fat and sugar such as vegetables, fruit, wholegrain bread and cereals and low fat dairy products. The snacks in this plan can be eaten at any time of the day, including for morning or afternoon tea. If you are hungry at other times of the day, fresh vegetables make a great portable snack. Pack some cherry tomatoes or snow peas into a container, or chop up an assortment of vegetables and serve with a salsa or a small portion of low-fat dip.

How often do I need to eat fruits and vegetables?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
There are lots of delicious fruit and vegetables in season, giving you sensational taste for an affordable price. Contrary to popular belief, fruits and vegetables are an more affordable snack option per kilo and have a higher nutrient value than many processed snacks. Each day, you should consume at least 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables. Choose a wide variety of vegetables each day, including different colours.

What’s a serve?
  • A serve of fruit is a medium piece such as an apple or orange or 2 smaller pieces such as apricots or plums. ( 150 grams)
  • About 8 strawberries or ¼ medium melon or 1 cup diced or canned fruit are equivalent to one piece of fruit
  • A serve of vegetables is a cup of salad vegetables
  • or ½ cup cooked vegetables. (75 grams)
What’s in season?
For a full list of what’s in season and for lots of great fruit and vegetable recipes, visit the Better Health Channel healthy recipes page and choose the In Season tab under Ingredients. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan.

What if I don’t eat meat or dairy products?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
If you don’t eat meat or dairy products, you can substitute with another source of lean protein such as fresh fish (in similar amounts) or canned tuna, 2 large eggs or 1 cup cooked legumes (such as canned or dried beans, lentils or chick peas). Soy products (calcium fortified) can also be substituted for cow’s milk in similar quantities.

Will I lose weight following this plan?
The plan hasn’t been designed as a weight loss plan. If you want to lose weight, remember it’s all a matter of energy balance. If you increase the fuel (kilojoules/calories) your body burns by becoming more physically active and decrease your food intake by eating less, you will lose weight. To increase your chances of losing weight, pay attention to portion sizes, limit any extra foods such as drinks such as crisps, corn chips, confectionary, pastries, pies, biscuits, soft drinks, cordial, energy drinks, sports drinks and alcohol. Also, find ways to add more physical activity into your day.

Do I need to buy special food to follow the plan?
All the food available in the plan should be easily available in your local supermarket or fresh food market. Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan.

What type of fats and oils should I use?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
All fats and oils are high in kilojoules/calories, so it’s important to eat these in small amounts. Small amounts of the healthier fats (monounsaturated or polyunsaturated) are included. Some examples of healthier fats are olive oil, canola oil, polyunsaturated vegetable oils, and the fat found in nuts, avocados and seeds. If someone in your family has a nut allergy, seek advice from an accredited practising dietitian or your doctor as some oils will need to be avoided.

What should I drink?
Health Tips for Today - Healthy Eating Plan
It’s important to drink plenty of fluids each day. Water is the best thirst quencher. Everyday you should consume at least 5-7 glasses of plain water.

We recommend you limit your alcohol if you choose to drink. Alcohol is not suitable for children.

Please read our previous post Health Tips for Today - Health and Fitness Club.
Also some of our related post Health Tips for Today


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