Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans. This eating plan is designed to dispel the myth that the paleo way of eating is boring and restrictive. It showcases the diversity of nutritious and tasty food you can enjoy while eating paleo!
Before you commence any new eating plan, it’s advised to first consult with your regular health professional. Here are some quick guidelines to get you more familiar with the paleo diet framework. For the next week try to:

Grains and grain-based products (pasta, bread, cookies, pizza), legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils), most dairy, processed sugar, industrial, processed oils and products containing those (canola, soybean, corn, vegetable, sunflower, sufflower, grapeseed), condiments containing gluten, preservatives and artificial flavours and colours, sugar loaded soda, energy and sports drinks.
It’s up to you if you want to avoid alcohol altogether, however, if an occasion calls for it, stick to a glass of dry red wine, dry cider or clear spirits.

A variety of grass fed meat and pasture raised poultry and eggs, fish and seafood, vegetables, berries, some fruit, some nuts and seeds, grass fed butter, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, macadamia oil, coconut water, unsweetened tea, fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha drink.

Include in small amounts
It is recommended to avoid dairy for 30 days, especially for those suffering from gluten or lactose intolerance, digestive and gut issues. You can then slowly re-introduce full fat cream, aged hard cheeses like Parmesan or Pecorino, goat’s or sheep’s milk cheese and natural unsweetened yogurt as higher fat, fermented and non-cow milk dairy is easier to digest and has many nutritional benefits. You can usually include small amounts of natural sweeteners like raw honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup and dried fruit.

Use for cooking and heating: ghee, coconut oil, macadamia oil, lard, duck fat, butter and virgin olive oil (when cooking below 170-180C such as in slow roasting, sautéing and braising).

Use unheated or add at the end of cooking: extra-virgin and virgin olive oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, pumpkinseed oil, sesame oil, hazelnut oil, unrefined coconut oil, butter.

Liquids: Water, black coffee, tea, herbal teas, coconut water, green juices, coconut milk, almond milk. Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans.

Paleo Meal Plan
Day 1
Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

  • Breakfast Two semi soft-boiled eggs chopped over a bed of wilted spinach with olive oil, lemon and garlic. Topped with ½ cup cherry tomatoes, ½ avocado, ¼ cup diced green onion and drizzled with lemon juice, olive oil and a pinch of sea salt and pepper on top. Plus 1 green apple.
  • Lunch Salad made with 100-150g tinned sardines or wild salmon in olive oil or brine, 2 cups rocket salad, 1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes, 5-6 sliced radishes, 1 medium grated carrot, 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds. Dress with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon Apple Cider vinegar, ½ teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
  • Dinner 200g grass fed beef steak marinated for an hour in rosemary, garlic, lemon juice, sea salt and pepper, then grilled to medium rare in ghee or coconut oil. Served with a grilled Portobello mushroom and 2 cups of slaw salad made with shredded red cabbage, carrot, Spanish onion, parsley and dressing with lemon juice, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil.
  • Snack if you need it 150ml 100% coconut water, handful of macadamia nuts, 5 strawberries

Day 2
Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

  • Breakfast 1 small sweet potato grated and pan-fried in coconut oil for 7-8 minutes until golden brown and soft, served with 100g smoked salmon, ½ cup diced cucumber, dollop of mayonnaise, drizzle of lemon juice and some fresh dill.
  • Lunch 2-3 medium gluten free lamb sausages with grilled asparagus and a side of spinach salad with red peppers, sesame seeds and tahini, lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil dressing. Plus a dollop of Dijon or wholegrain mustard on the side. 
  • Dinner Turmeric chicken & kale salad (recipe provided). 
  • Snack if you need it 50g beef jerky, 1 cup diced rockmelon, green tea

Day 3
Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

  • Breakfast Smoothie made with 1 cup frozen mixed berries, 1 cup fresh spinach, 1 cup coconut water, ½ cup coconut milk. Plus 3 slices of baked turkey or chicken.
  • Lunch Leftover turmeric chicken salad, 1 cup pumpkin or mixed vegetable soup. Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans.
  • Dinner Chipotle meatballs with pan-fried or steamed zucchini and cauliflower (recipe provided)
  • Snack if you need it 90g tinned tuna or wild salmon with sun-dried tomatoes and diced cucumber, 2 squares dark chocolate (80% cacao content)

Day 4
Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

  • Breakfast Egg scrambled with sautéed onion, red peppers and tomatoes, served with a side salad of avocado, radish, coriander, lime juice and olive oil. Plus ½ cup of blueberries or diced papaya.
  • Lunch 2 cups of spinach or mixed green salad with 1 cup of baked sweet potato or pumpkin, grated raw medium beetroot and carrot, walnuts and fresh basil pesto dressing topped with 150-200g of grilled chicken or lamb
  • Dinner Baked salmon fillet topped with parsley, lemon and garlic gremolata and steamed broccolini and green beans
  • Snack if you need it 4 squares of rock melon wrapped in prosciutto or Jamon Serrano
Day 5
Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

  • Breakfast Leftover baked salmon fillet, grilled asparagus, poached or soft-boiled egg and a drizzle of truffle oil (optional)
  • Lunch Tuna & salmon sashimi with wakami seaweed and avocado salad or Thai beef & vegetable stir-fry with chili and basil
  • Dinner Mexican chili beef wrapped in lettuce cups with guacamole, grated carrots and tomato salsa. To make the Mexican the chili beef, pan fry 400-500g of grass fed beef mince with 1 diced brown onion, 3 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp chopped long red chili, 1 teaspoon each of paprika, cumin and ground coriander seeds, 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, 1 teaspoon sea salt, pinch of pepper and ½ cup of water. Cook for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve in baby cos lettuce leaves.  Guacamole recipe can be found here.
  • Snack if you need it 2 tablespoons of chicken liver pate with sliced carrots and cornichons

Day 6
Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

  • Breakfast Banana coconut pancakes with blueberries & maple syrup (recipe provided)
  • Lunch Seafood platter – 4-5 grilled prawns, 3-4 oysters, calamari, octopus or mussels with a side green salad
  • Dinner Crispy duck with sautéed kale or Tuscan cabbage and orange sauce (you can adapt from this recipe by replacing golden syrup with maple syrup) Recipe idea here.
  • Dessert Chilli chocolate avocado mousse  (recipe provided). Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans.

Day 7
Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans

  • Breakfast Big breaky – 3-4 grilled mushrooms, 2 scrambled eggs, 2 rashes of bacon, wilted spinach and grilled tomatoes sans toast
  • Lunch BBQ pepper and eggplant salad with goat’s cheese, pine nuts and pesto (goat’s cheese is optional) Salad recipe here.
  • Dinner Sunday roast – roasted free range chicken with lemon, mustard and rosemary, roasted carrots, fennel, whole garlic cloves and beetroot, steamed broccoli and green peas with mint and butter. Or try this roast chicken with apple, lemon and garlic.
  • Snack if you need it: Handful of blueberries and macadamia nuts

Other snacks
You should be satiated between meals with no need to snack but occasionally you might need something extra if your breakfast was smaller than usual or you only had time for a quick lunch. Health Tips for Today - The Paleo Healthy Meals Plans. You can pick one to maximum two of the below options per day. If you are needing to snack a lot, reassess your meals to make sure they are large enough to sustain you.

  • ¼ cup of beef jerky & ¼ cup macadamia nuts
  • ½ cup natural, full fat, unsweetened yogurt with ¼ cup blueberries or raspberries with a few almonds
  • 1 apple, sliced with 1 tbsp almond or macadamia nut butter
  • 1 apple or 1 pear, sliced with 3-4 slices of sheep’s milk Pecorino cheese or aged Parmesan cheese
  • 3 meat rolls with turkey, ham or rare roast beef slices rolled over sliced red capsicum, avocado and gherkins
  • 100g sardines in tomato or virgin olive oil with chopped red onion, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice & homemade mayonnaise
  • ¼ rockmelon & 3-4 slices of prosciutto
  • 5-6 carrot, celery and/or red capsicum sticks with ¼ cup dip such as cashew nut based hummus, guacamole, creamed spinach & onion, babaganush.
  • Boiled egg with few radishes and basil pesto
  • 1 x boiled egg or small tin of tuna plus a glass of either fresh coconut juice, or Virgin Mary, or coconut milk & mixed berry smoothie, or green juice with leafy greens, apple, celery, ginger and cucumber. 
Please read our previous post Health Tips for Today - Healthy Food Recipes
Also some of our related post Health Tips for Today


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